berkeleyhealth SP-10 Male Fertility Rapid Test Cassette For Self-Testing Use 1 TEST

Original price was: £14.27.Current price is: £13.50.

It’s the first step on any ‘trying to conceive’ journey. Designed to test the concentration of sperm in your semen within a matter of minutes, our male fertility test UK will give you complete clarity over your ability to impregnate, from pinpointing low sperm count to the comfort of knowing you’re in the clear.

A rapid test for the qualitative detection of SP-10 in human semen. For self-testing in vitro diagnostic use.
The SP-10 Male Fertility Rapid Test Cassette is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for in vitro qualitative detection of Acrosomal Protein SP-10 found on sperms to estimate of sperm concentration in human semen above or below 15 million/mL. Sperm concentration can be used for assistant diagnosis and curative effect observation of male infertility, and provide guidance for reproductive planning of the eligible couples. Sperm concentration is one of the primary factors used by physicians to diagnose male infertility. There are many reasons why a man may be infertile and therefore unable to fertilize the female ovum during reproduction. One primary and most common reason is an abnormally low production of viable sperm cells. Other reasons can be over production of inactive, weak, or deformed sperm cells, high levels of other cells in the semen that interfere with fertilization, or other physiological factors. Medical or physical conditions may also interfere with normal sperm cell production, including high stress, recent high fever or illness experienced within two months prior to testing, and abrupt changes in diet. Taking this initial screening test will indicate if a low amount of sperm production exists. Up to 15% of couples experience infertility, which is defined as the failure to become pregnant after one year of unprotected, well-timed intercourse. And, in 40% of couples struggling with infertility issues, male infertility is the primary cause. Because low sperm count is a leading cause of male infertility, an important first step in determining the cause of infertility is to test the sperm count.  The SP-10 Male Fertility Rapid Test detects Acrosomal protein SP-10 found on sperms. Since, SP-10 is a protein specific to male germ cells and cannot be found in other cells. This test is very specific for sperms and is now being used for estimating sperm concentration in semen as an aid in determining causes of infertility. The SP-10 Rapid Test detects SP-10 gives a positive result, when sperm concentration is above 15 million/mL in semen – a level internationally accepted as the minimum level of sperms for normal fertility. A low sperm concentration would indicate less likelihood of conception. It would be advisable to see your medical professional who can advise what can be done to improve the sperm concentration.

Note: In the unlikely event we are unable to fulfil your order with our own Berkeley Range of tests, We would would automatically send you a alternative branded Test kit. Prior to you placing your order, you agree to us doing this. We will never compromise on quality, therefore be rest assured that any alternative branded product we send to you, would be no different in terms of quality from our premium Berkeley Health Test range.
We work alongside some Great partners who have Similar great Quality products like our Berkeley Health Tests, and our shared goal is to provide Self test kits to help as many households as possible with early diagnosis.





Technical Specification

Accuracy:        98.2%


What happens if the results reading time is not met? The test has been carried out correctly when the instructions for use are followed. It includes the reading time and the interpretation of the results shown at the “RESULTS INTERPRETATION” section of the instructions for use.

How to prove that the test worked correctly? A coloured line will appear at the control region (C) on the test device, showing that the test performed correctly. The absence of the coloured line suggests to repeat the test with a new device and a new sample.

How to interpret the test if the control and test lines have different intensities? The colour and intensity of the lines do not affect the interpretation of the result. The test has to be considered positive regardless of the colour intensity of the test line (T).

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